Personal Data
Privacy Solutions

Online personal data controls and privacy protections are a necessary security practice in today's increasingly digital world.

Take back control of your online presence and personal data

Here at Jump Point Technologies, we aim to offer residential home users a set of internet protection services that have traditionally been afforded businesses and large corporations only.

Monopolistic practices of big tech, namely Google (Alphabet), Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft have led to numerous antitrust investigations prompting questions regarding the chilling impact these companies have had on privacy, market control, free speech and censorship efforts, and national security and law enforcement.

It has been speculated that it may not be possible to live in the digital world day-to-day outside of the ecosystem created by these companies.  We can show you how it's possible to do just that.

Tracking Prevention

Tracking is the collection and sharing of activity data with one or more third-party services for purposes of aggregation, retention, and use in providing for the identification and monetization of an individual's online identity.

Ad Blocking

Intrusive and excessive advertisements interfere with the presentation of desired content and degrade the overall experience and enjoyment of  internet usage.  Presented ads may be uniquely tailored to your presumed needs and interests and may violate your expectation of privacy.

Restrict Social Media Usage

Many social media sites like Facebook and Instagram contain content that for some may be considered unsuited for general audiences.  Limiting or altogether restricting access to these venues can be beneficial for those interested in minimizing potential for escape of sensitive personal data.

Stop Telemetry Reporting

For example, according to Microsoft, Windows 10 uses telemetry data to identify security and reliability issues, to analyze and fix software problems, to help improve the quality of Windows and related services, and to make design decisions for future releases.

Malicious Content Filtering

Block individual sites and top-level domains known to serve malicious content including malware, adware, spyware, ransomware, virus, and phishing attempts primed to infect computers, and likely silently steal passwords, personal data and banking information.

Mailing Address:
760 Clarendon Ct
Naples, FL 34109

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